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Rabbit Pie
Rabbit Pie
Meal 2557#
Gathering +6% (Max 6) Perception +2% (Max 2) Gathering +7% (Max 7) Perception +3% (Max 3) A traditional pastry dish of the Wildwood Elezen formed to resemble a rabbit[@CO] but not necessarily containing any meat of leporine origin.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m Gathering +6% (上限6 30056 +2% (上限2 Gathering +7% (上限7
30056 +3% (上限3)
Pie Dough×1 [CUL:14]
Sunset Wheat Flour×1 [CUL:7]
Sunset Wheat×4 [BTN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Table Salt×1 [CUL:1]
Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Mineral Water×1
Fire Shard×1
Coerthan Carrot×1 [BTN:15]
Marmot Meat×1
Wild Onion×1 [BTN:15]
Black Pepper×1 [BTN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Water Shard×1

Production information
Difficulty:54 / Quality:330 / Durability:60