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2nd anniversary 14 -hour live broadcast

FFXIV,2nd anniversary Congratulations!
This time, the top of the invitation to the 2 year anniversary 14-hour live broadcast, Yoshida producer beginning,
We were allowed to valuable experience that speak directly with members of the development team.
In addition, it became very encouraging can exchange with members of the famous player.
Now also
a convenient site, such as you are able to use to everyone of many players
We want to continue to continue to operate with the aim.
Management itself of the site will celebrate its fifth year and from the old FFXIV.
When migrating from the old FFXIV to Shinsei, we thought closed.
However, attracted to strong intention of encouraging messages and development team from everyone
It has become a form, such as now.
Since management's own is also a diehard FF fan,
In that it has received an invitation in this this way, we will very grateful!
I think that it does not reach many, but it is fortunate if Ikere boost the FFXIV through this site.
Webmaster Elio