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Dark Pretzel
Dark Pretzel
Meal 2930#
Parry +7% (Max 7) Vitality +4% (Max 4) Critical Hit Rate +2% (Max 2) Parry +9% (Max 9) Vitality +5% (Max 5) Critical Hit Rate +2% (Max 3) A traditional Dunesfolk bread twisted into the shape of a knot and sprinkled generously with coarse-ground salt before being baked to a deep brown.EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m Parry +8% (上限7 VIT +8% (上限4 Critical Hit Rate +8% (上限3
Parry +10% (上限9 VIT +10% (上限5 Critical Hit Rate +10% (上限4)
Sunset Wheat Flour×1 [CUL:7]
Sunset Wheat×4 [BTN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Maple Sugar×1 [CUL:2]
Maple Syrup×1 [CUL:1]
Maple Sap×1 [BTN:5]
Fire Shard×1
Fire Shard×1
Chicken Egg×1
Table Salt×1 [CUL:1]
Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Smooth Butter×1 [CUL:7]
Mineral Water×1
Fire Shard×2
Water Shard×1

Production information
Difficulty:79 / Quality:600 / Durability:70