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Item Name Class Lv   Recipe Crystals
Sinking Minnow Sinking Minnow×3
item Goldsmith34Fishing TackleSilver Ingot Silver Ingot×1 [GLD:23]
Oak Lumber Oak Lumber×1 [CRP:32]
Wind Shard Wind Shard×4
Fire Shard Fire Shard×3
Viking Sword Viking Sword×1
Sell 204 Gil
item Blacksmith7Gladiator's ArmBronze Ingot Bronze Ingot×1
Leather Leather×1
Bone Chip Bone Chip×1 [MIN:5]
Fire Shard Fire Shard×1
Earth Shard Earth Shard×1
Brass Viking Sword Brass Viking Sword×1
Sell 648 Gil
item Blacksmith20Gladiator's ArmViking Sword Viking Sword×1 [BSM:7]
Brass Ingot Brass Ingot×1 [GLD:14]
Aldgoat Leather Aldgoat Leather×1 [LTW:17]
Fire Shard Fire Shard×1
Earth Shard Earth Shard×1
Vintage Viking Sword Vintage Viking Sword×1
item Blacksmith38Gladiator's ArmNicked Viking Sword Nicked Viking Sword×1
Mudstone Whetstone Mudstone Whetstone×1 [GLD:20]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×1
Drinking Apkallu Drinking Apkallu×1
item Leatherworker50★1TabletopHippogryph Leather Hippogryph Leather×2 [LTW:50★1]
Silver Ingot Silver Ingot×1 [GLD:23]
Distilled Water Distilled Water×1
Apkallu Down Apkallu Down×5
Frosted Glass Lens Frosted Glass Lens×1
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×2
Saurian Bandana of Striking Saurian Bandana of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★3HeadSaurian Leather Saurian Leather×1 [LTW:50★3]
Terminus Putty Terminus Putty×2 [ALC:50★3]
Undyed Felt Undyed Felt×1 [WVR:43]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Saurian Shirt of Striking Saurian Shirt of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★3BodySaurian Leather Saurian Leather×2 [LTW:50★3]
Terminus Putty Terminus Putty×2 [ALC:50★3]
Hippogryph Leather Hippogryph Leather×1 [LTW:50★1]
Undyed Felt Undyed Felt×1 [WVR:43]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Saurian Gloves of Striking Saurian Gloves of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★3HandsSaurian Leather Saurian Leather×1 [LTW:50★3]
Terminus Putty Terminus Putty×2 [ALC:50★3]
Undyed Felt Undyed Felt×1 [WVR:43]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Raptor Sinew Raptor Sinew×1
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Cashmere Skirt of Striking Cashmere Skirt of Striking×1
item Weaver50★3LegsCashmere Cloth Cashmere Cloth×2 [WVR:50★3]
Terminus Putty Terminus Putty×2 [ALC:50★3]
Hippogryph Leather Hippogryph Leather×1 [LTW:50★1]
Undyed Felt Undyed Felt×1 [WVR:43]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×2 [WVR:50★1]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Saurian Boots of Striking Saurian Boots of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★3FeetSaurian Leather Saurian Leather×1 [LTW:50★3]
Terminus Putty Terminus Putty×2 [ALC:50★3]
Undyed Felt Undyed Felt×1 [WVR:43]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Woodworking Bench Woodworking Bench×1
item Carpenter50★3FurnishingGlazenut Glazenut×1
Ancient Lumber Ancient Lumber×1 [CRP:50★3]
Rosewood Lumber Rosewood Lumber×4 [CRP:45]
Cobalt Ingot Cobalt Ingot×4 [BSM:42]
Cobalt Nails Cobalt Nails×2 [BSM:44]
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Ice Cluster Ice Cluster×1
Leatherworking Bench Leatherworking Bench×1
item Carpenter50★3FurnishingGlazenut Glazenut×1
Ancient Lumber Ancient Lumber×1 [CRP:50★3]
Rosewood Lumber Rosewood Lumber×4 [CRP:45]
Darksteel Nugget Darksteel Nugget×4 [BSM:50★1]
Hippogryph Skin Hippogryph Skin×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Ice Cluster Ice Cluster×1
Cooking Stove Cooking Stove×1
item Blacksmith50★3FurnishingGlazenut Glazenut×1
Wolfram Ingot Wolfram Ingot×1 [BSM:50★3]
Darksteel Nugget Darksteel Nugget×4 [BSM:50★1]
Spruce Lumber Spruce Lumber×2 [CRP:50★1]
Cut Stone Cut Stone×2 [GLD:30]
Coke Coke×1
Fire Cluster Fire Cluster×2
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×1
Alps Striking Dummy Alps Striking Dummy×1
item Carpenter50★3Outdoor FurnishingAncient Lumber Ancient Lumber×3 [CRP:50★3]
Wolfram Ingot Wolfram Ingot×2 [BSM:50★3]
Glazenut Glazenut×2
Fieldcraft Demimateria III Fieldcraft Demimateria III×3
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Ice Cluster Ice Cluster×1
Augmented Saurian Shirt of Striking Augmented Saurian Shirt of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★3BodySaurian Shirt of Striking Saurian Shirt of Striking×1 [LTW:50★3]
Battlecraft Demimateria III Battlecraft Demimateria III×1
Battlecraft Demimateria II Battlecraft Demimateria II×10
Saurian Leather Saurian Leather×2 [LTW:50★3]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Leatherworker15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Armorer15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Alchemist15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Culinarian15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Blacksmith15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Carpenter15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Weaver15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Speaking Tube Component Speaking Tube Component×1
item Goldsmith15OtherSpeaking Tube Component Materials Speaking Tube Component Materials×1
Wind Shard Wind Shard×1
Ice Shard Ice Shard×1
Kirimu Sandals of Striking Kirimu Sandals of Striking×1
item Leatherworker50★4FeetKirimu Leather Kirimu Leather×1 [LTW:50★4]
Platinum Nugget Platinum Nugget×1 [GLD:50★3]
Ebony Lumber Ebony Lumber×2 [CRP:50★4]
Saurian Leather Saurian Leather×1 [LTW:50★3]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Arachne Bandana of Striking Arachne Bandana of Striking×1
item Weaver50★4HeadArachne Velveteen Arachne Velveteen×3 [WVR:50★4]
Platinum Nugget Platinum Nugget×1 [GLD:50★3]
Emerald Emerald×1 [GLD:50★3]
Pinprick Pebble Pinprick Pebble×1
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Arachne Field Dressing of Striking Arachne Field Dressing of Striking×1
item Weaver50★4HandsArachne Velveteen Arachne Velveteen×3 [WVR:50★4]
Platinum Nugget Platinum Nugget×1 [GLD:50★3]
Cashmere Cloth Cashmere Cloth×1 [WVR:50★3]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Arachne Shirt of Striking Arachne Shirt of Striking×1
item Weaver50★4BodyArachne Velveteen Arachne Velveteen×5 [WVR:50★4]
Platinum Nugget Platinum Nugget×1 [GLD:50★3]
Topaz Topaz×1 [GLD:50★3]
Hippogryph Leather Hippogryph Leather×1 [LTW:50★1]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Arachne Gaskins of Striking Arachne Gaskins of Striking×1
item Weaver50★4LegsArachne Velveteen Arachne Velveteen×5 [WVR:50★4]
Platinum Nugget Platinum Nugget×1 [GLD:50★3]
Cashmere Cloth Cashmere Cloth×1 [WVR:50★3]
Hippogryph Leather Hippogryph Leather×1 [LTW:50★1]
Silk Thread Silk Thread×1 [WVR:50★1]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Oriental Striking Dummy Oriental Striking Dummy×1
item Carpenter50★3Outdoor FurnishingAncient Lumber Ancient Lumber×2 [CRP:50★3]
Wolfram Ingot Wolfram Ingot×2 [BSM:50★3]
Petrified Log Petrified Log×1
Glazenut Glazenut×2
Fieldcraft Demimateria III Fieldcraft Demimateria III×3
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
Ice Cluster Ice Cluster×1
Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking×1
Sell 14968 Gil
item Weaver60HeadChimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×2 [WVR:58]
Amphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×1 [LTW:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Crystal Glass Crystal Glass×1 [ALC:50★2]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking×1
Sell 14469 Gil
item Weaver58HeadChimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×2 [WVR:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Titanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×1 [BSM:56]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×5
Titanium Headgear of Striking Titanium Headgear of Striking×1
Sell 20805 Gil
item Armorer56HeadTitanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×2 [BSM:56]
Dhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×1 [LTW:54]
Darksteel Nugget Darksteel Nugget×1 [BSM:50★1]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal×5
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Titanium Mask of Striking Titanium Mask of Striking×1
Sell 19905 Gil
item Armorer54HeadTitanium Nugget Titanium Nugget×2 [BSM:54]
Dhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×1 [LTW:54]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal×4
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×3
Wyvernskin Eyepatch of Striking Wyvernskin Eyepatch of Striking×1
Sell 15592 Gil
item Leatherworker53HeadWyvern Leather Wyvern Leather×2 [LTW:52]
Archaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×1 [LTW:51]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Mythrite Circlet of Striking Mythrite Circlet of Striking×1
Sell 15620 Gil
item Goldsmith51HeadMythrite Nugget Mythrite Nugget×2 [BSM:51]
Wildfowl Feather Wildfowl Feather×2 [BTN:35]
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Fire Crystal Fire Crystal×2
Chivalric Coat of Striking Chivalric Coat of Striking×1
item Leatherworker60★1BodyAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×3 [LTW:58]
Chimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×1 [WVR:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Star Ruby Star Ruby×2 [GLD:55]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Dawnborne Aethersand Dawnborne Aethersand×2
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking Chimerical Felt Tabard of Striking×1
Sell 18532 Gil
item Weaver60BodyChimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×3 [WVR:58]
Amphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×1 [LTW:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Lightning Cluster Lightning Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking×1
Sell 26872 Gil
item Weaver59BodyChimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×3 [WVR:58]
Titanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×1 [BSM:56]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×1 [WVR:57]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×5
Titanium Mail of Striking Titanium Mail of Striking×1
Sell 30051 Gil
item Armorer57BodyTitanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×2 [BSM:56]
Dragon Leather Dragon Leather×1 [LTW:56]
Hallowed Ramie Cloth Hallowed Ramie Cloth×1 [WVR:56]
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal×5
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking Dhalmelskin Jacket of Striking×1
Sell 20537 Gil
item Leatherworker55BodyDhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×2 [LTW:54]
Ramie Cloth Ramie Cloth×1 [WVR:54]
Titanium Nugget Titanium Nugget×1 [BSM:54]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×1 [GLD:50★1]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×4
Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking×1
Sell 15444 Gil
item Weaver53BodyHoly Rainbow Cloth Holy Rainbow Cloth×3 [WVR:52]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Wyvern Leather Wyvern Leather×1 [LTW:52]
Mythrite Nugget Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Rainbow Bolero of Striking Rainbow Bolero of Striking×1
Sell 14208 Gil
item Weaver51BodyRainbow Cloth Rainbow Cloth×3 [WVR:51]
Archaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×1 [LTW:51]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Electrum Ingot Electrum Ingot×1 [GLD:42]
Spinel Spinel×1 [GLD:41]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×2
Serpentskin Bracers of Striking Serpentskin Bracers of Striking×1
Sell 16632 Gil
item Leatherworker59HandsAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×2 [LTW:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×1 [WVR:57]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Serpentskin Armguards of Striking Serpentskin Armguards of Striking×1
Sell 16077 Gil
item Leatherworker58HandsAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×2 [LTW:58]
Titanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×1 [BSM:56]
Titanium Rivets Titanium Rivets×1 [BSM:54]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×5
Titanium Vambraces of Striking Titanium Vambraces of Striking×1
Sell 18493 Gil
item Armorer56HandsTitanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×1 [BSM:56]
Dragon Leather Dragon Leather×1 [LTW:56]
Dhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×1 [LTW:54]
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal×5
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking Dhalmelskin Armguards of Striking×1
Sell 14744 Gil
item Leatherworker54HandsDhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×2 [LTW:54]
Hardsilver Nugget Hardsilver Nugget×2 [GLD:54]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking Wyvernskin Gloves of Striking×1
Sell 16632 Gil
item Leatherworker52HandsWyvern Leather Wyvern Leather×1 [LTW:52]
Mythrite Ingot Mythrite Ingot×2 [BSM:52]
Rose Gold Nugget Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking×1
Sell 12751 Gil
item Leatherworker51HandsArchaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×2 [LTW:51]
Mythrite Nugget Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
Jadeite Jadeite×2 [GLD:40]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×2
Serpentskin Brais of Striking Serpentskin Brais of Striking×1
Sell 17820 Gil
item Leatherworker60LegsAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×3 [LTW:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×1 [WVR:57]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Chimerical Felt Hose of Striking Chimerical Felt Hose of Striking×1
Sell 13780 Gil
item Weaver59LegsChimerical Felt Chimerical Felt×3 [WVR:58]
Dragon Leather Dragon Leather×1 [LTW:56]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×1 [WVR:57]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×5
Dragonskin Breeches of Striking Dragonskin Breeches of Striking×1
Sell 16512 Gil
item Leatherworker57LegsDragon Leather Dragon Leather×2 [LTW:56]
Dhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×2 [LTW:54]
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×2 [ALC:53]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×4
Ramie Trousers of Striking Ramie Trousers of Striking×1
Sell 12638 Gil
item Weaver55LegsRamie Cloth Ramie Cloth×2 [WVR:54]
Dhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×2 [LTW:54]
Ramie Thread Ramie Thread×1 [WVR:54]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×4
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Striking Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Striking×1
Sell 11880 Gil
item Weaver52LegsHoly Rainbow Cloth Holy Rainbow Cloth×3 [WVR:52]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Wyvern Leather Wyvern Leather×1 [LTW:52]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Rainbow Culottes of Striking Rainbow Culottes of Striking×1
Sell 10929 Gil
item Weaver51LegsRainbow Cloth Rainbow Cloth×2 [WVR:51]
Archaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×2 [LTW:51]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Lightning Crystal Lightning Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×2
Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking Serpentskin Thighboots of Striking×1
Sell 19008 Gil
item Leatherworker60FeetAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×2 [LTW:58]
Aurum Regis Nugget Aurum Regis Nugget×2 [GLD:58]
Rubber Rubber×1 [ALC:7]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×1
Serpentskin Boots of Striking Serpentskin Boots of Striking×1
Sell 18374 Gil
item Leatherworker59FeetAmphiptere Leather Amphiptere Leather×2 [LTW:58]
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×1 [WVR:57]
Rubber Rubber×1 [ALC:7]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×5
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×5
Titanium Sabatons of Striking Titanium Sabatons of Striking×1
Sell 24657 Gil
item Armorer57FeetTitanium Ingot Titanium Ingot×2 [BSM:56]
Dragon Leather Dragon Leather×1 [LTW:56]
Hardsilver Ingot Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:53]
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal×5
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking Dhalmelskin Leggings of Striking×1
Sell 16851 Gil
item Leatherworker55FeetDhalmel Leather Dhalmel Leather×2 [LTW:54]
Ramie Cloth Ramie Cloth×1 [WVR:54]
Titanium Nugget Titanium Nugget×1 [BSM:54]
Rubber Rubber×1 [ALC:7]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×4
Wyvernskin Boots of Striking Wyvernskin Boots of Striking×1
Sell 15840 Gil
item Leatherworker53FeetWyvern Leather Wyvern Leather×2 [LTW:52]
Archaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×1 [LTW:51]
Mythrite Rivets Mythrite Rivets×1 [BSM:51]
Rubber Rubber×1 [ALC:7]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×4
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×3
Archaeoskin Boots of Striking Archaeoskin Boots of Striking×1
Sell 14572 Gil
item Leatherworker51FeetArchaeornis Leather Archaeornis Leather×2 [LTW:51]
Rainbow Thread Rainbow Thread×1 [WVR:51]
Cloud Coral Cloud Coral×2
Rubber Rubber×1 [ALC:7]
Earth Crystal Earth Crystal×3
Wind Crystal Wind Crystal×2
Griffin Leather Tricorne of Striking Griffin Leather Tricorne of Striking×1
item Leatherworker60★2HeadGriffin Leather Griffin Leather×3 [LTW:60★2]
Crawler Silk Crawler Silk×2 [WVR:57]
Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent×1 [ALC:60★2]
Landborne Aethersand Landborne Aethersand×2
Earth Cluster Earth Cluster×2
Wind Cluster Wind Cluster×2
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