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Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle
Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle
Miscellany 35582#
![Connoisseur[@SC]s Elixir Bottle](
A piece crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Rather more costly than the typical specimen in a jam jar collection. |
Select Hoptrap Leaf×1
Grade 5 Vitality Alkahest×2 [ALC:83]
Underground Spring Water×2 [MIN:80]
Lunatender Blossom×1
Lime Basil×2 [BTN:80]
Water Crystal×8
Grade 5 Mind Alkahest×2 [ALC:83]
Underground Spring Water×2 [MIN:80]
Lunatender Blossom×1
Tiger Lily×2 [BTN:80]
Water Crystal×8
Water Cluster×4
Lightning Cluster×2
![Connoisseur[@SC]s Elixir Bottle](
Production information
Difficulty:3900 / Quality:11154 / Durability:60