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Blood Tomato Salad
Blood Tomato Salad
Meal 5394#
Craftsmanship +7% (Max 122) CP +8% (Max 22) Craftsmanship +9% (Max 153) CP +10% (Max 27) Craftsmanship +7% (上限122 CP +8% (上限22 Craftsmanship +9% (上限153
CP +10% (上限27)
Night Vinegar×1 [CUL:75]
Royal Grapes×5 [BTN:75]
Fire Crystal×7
Blood Tomato×1 [BTN:75]
La Noscean Lettuce×1 [BTN:15]
Cyclops Onion×1 [BTN:51]
Table Salt×1 [CUL:1]
Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Fire Crystal×7
Water Crystal×6

Production information
Difficulty:1430 / Quality:4100 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe