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Wand of Tides
Wand of Tides
One-handed Conjurer's Arm 3416#

Wand of Tides
Category > One-handed Conjurer's Arm
Item level:42 / Equip Level:42 -
Sale price 76 Gil
Magic Damage 41(46)Auto-attack 20.8(23.2)Delay 2.4
VIT +7 MND +6 PIE +11
VIT +8 MND +7 PIE +12
Desynthesizable:39.00 [ALC] / Materia slot1

Growth Formula Gamma×1 [ALC:30]
Blue Landtrap Leaf×1
Quicksilver×1 [ALC:1]
Cinnabar×2 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×1
Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×3
Eye of Water×1 [GLD:22]
Water Rock×1 [MIN:25]
Wind Shard×2
Oak Branch×1 [BTN:35]
Water Shard×5
Lightning Shard×4

Production information
Difficulty:137 / Quality:1340 / Durability:80
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