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Durable yet fuzzy loop carpet with a checkerboard pattern.
Desynthesizable:70.00 [WVR]
Vanya Silk×3 [WVR:50★2]
Silk Thread×6 [WVR:50★1]
Silkworm Cocoon×6 [BTN:50]
Effervescent Water×3 [MIN:25]
Lightning Crystal×9
Lightning Cluster×3
Undyed Felt×2 [WVR:43]
Snurble Tufts×2
Natron×2 [ALC:25]
Effervescent Water×2 [MIN:25]
Rock Salt×2 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×4
Lightning Shard×10
Linen Yarn×5 [WVR:32]
Flax×6 [BTN:35]
Lightning Shard×6
Lightning Crystal×5
Wind Crystal×5

Production information
Difficulty:250 / Quality:1250 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe