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Grimoire of the True Griffin
Grimoire of the True Griffin
Arcanist's Grimoire 18257#

Grimoire of the True Griffin
Category > Arcanist's Grimoire
Item level:320 / Equip Level:70 -
Sale price 1711 Gil
Magic Damage 118(131)Auto-attack 90.48(100.88)Delay 3.12
VIT +97 INT +108 Critical Hit Rate +76 Determination +108
VIT +108 INT +120 Critical Hit Rate +84 Determination +120

Desynthesizable:320.00 [ALC] / Materia slot2

Enchanted Palladium Ink×1 [ALC:68]
Palladium Sand×3 [MIN:70]
Pine Resin×1 [BTN:65]
Crescent Spring Water×1 [MIN:65]
Water Crystal×5
True Griffin Leather×2 [LTW:70★2]
True Griffin Hide×6
Chromite Ore×2 [MIN:70]
Forbidden Wax×4
Earth Cluster×4
Wind Cluster×4
Torreya Lumber×1 [CRP:70★2]
Torreya Log×4 [BTN:70]
Scarlet Urushi×2
Wind Cluster×2
Ice Cluster×2
Palladium Ingot×1 [GLD:70★2]
Palladium Ore×4 [MIN:70]
Palladium Nugget×1 [GLD:68]
Palladium Sand×4 [MIN:70]
Electrum Ore×1 [MIN:45]
Wind Crystal×5
Wind Cluster×2
Fire Cluster×2
Everborn Aethersand×3
Grade 2 Reisui of Intelligence×3 [ALC:70★2]
Crescent Spring Water×1 [MIN:65]
Hallowed Basil×2 [BTN:70]
Chickweed×2 [BTN:70]
Dawnlight Aethersand×1
Water Cluster×2
Lightning Cluster×2
Water Cluster×2
Lightning Cluster×2

Production information
Difficulty:1200 / Quality:4800 / Durability:70