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Dravanian Down Tree Dravanian Down Tree patch3.1 Outdoor Furnishing 2030# lodestone
A unique species of flora found only growing in the Sea of Clouds. As its seeds do not take in soil from the lower realm, the trees must be planted and raised on sky islets before being transplanted.※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type. Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:180.00 [ALC]
- Dravanian Mote×1
- Growth Formula Zeta×3 [ALC:58]
- Rue×9 [BTN:56]
- Dhalmel Saliva×3
- Red Quartz×6 [MIN:56]
- Water Crystal×15
- Water Cluster×2
- Lightning Cluster×2
Production information
Difficulty:740 / Quality:1450 / Durability:70
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