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Astral Birch Lumber Astral Birch Lumber patch3.05 Lumber 1549# lodestone
Processed birch lumber treated so that its elemental aspect tips towards astral. Crafting Material
- Birch Lumber×2 [CRP:58]
- Birch Log×10 [BTN:56]
- Wind Crystal×10
- Dryad Sap×5
- Astral Oil×1 [ALC:60★1]
- Seventh Heaven×2 [BTN:60]
- Astral Moraine×2 [MIN:60]
- Bear Fat×1
- Water Cluster×2
- Lightning Cluster×1
- Wind Cluster×2
- Ice Cluster×2
Production information
Difficulty:740 / Quality:2900 / Durability:70
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