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Large Outfitter's Walls Large Outfitter's Walls patch3.0 Exterior Wall 4125# lodestone
A set of four walls designed for those who wish to transform their estate into a gear shop.※Can only be used with mansions on large plots of land.
- Elm Lumber×165 [CRP:16]costing: 12870 Gil
- Elm Log×3 [BTN:15]
- Wind Shard×1
- Iron Nails×165 [BSM:16]costing: 0 Gil
- Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
- Iron Ore×3 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×1
- Fire Shard×1
- Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
- Cut Stone×165 [GLD:30]costing: 0 Gil
- Granite×3 [MIN:35]
- Wind Shard×3
- Clinker Bricks×165 [ALC:39]costing: 0 Gil
- Grenade Ash×1 [MIN:40]
- Siltstone×2 [MIN:30]
- Potter's Clay×1 [MIN:10]
- Water Shard×5
- Mudstone×165 [MIN:20]costing: 5115 Gil
- Spruce Log×165 [BTN:50]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 17985 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Yew Lumber×165 [CRP:21]costing: 17820 Gil
- Yew Log×3 [BTN:20]
- Wind Shard×2
- Iron Nails×165 [BSM:16]costing: 0 Gil
- Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
- Iron Ore×3 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×1
- Fire Shard×1
- Iron Ingot×1 [BSM:16]
- Firebricks×165 [ALC:18]costing: 0 Gil
- Mudstone×2 [MIN:20]
- Potter's Clay×1 [MIN:10]
- Water Shard×1
- Felt Lining×165 [WVR:42]costing: 0 Gil
- Fleece×2
- Grenade Ash×1 [MIN:40]
- Natron×1 [ALC:25]
- Effervescent Water×1 [MIN:25]
- Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
- Water Shard×2
- Lightning Shard×5
- Rosewood Log×195 [BTN:50]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:2Steps:2 Cumulative 17820 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Walnut Lumber×165 [CRP:25]costing: 36135 Gil
- Walnut Log×3 [BTN:25]
- Wind Shard×2
- Steel Nails×165 [BSM:27]costing: 0 Gil
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×1 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×2
- Fire Shard×3
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Mortar×165 [ALC:20]costing: 0 Gil
- Limestone×2 [MIN:20]
- Fine Sand×1 [MIN:15]
- Distilled Water×1 [ALC:1]
- Muddy Water×1 [MIN:5]
- Water Shard×1
- Water Shard×1
- Varnish×75 [ALC:41]costing: 0 Gil
- Raw Amber×2 [MIN:45]
- Linseed Oil×1 [ALC:29]
- Flax×2 [BTN:35]
- Water Shard×3
- Terebinth×1
- Water Shard×5
- Granite×165 [MIN:35]costing: 0 Gil
- Marble×165 [MIN:45]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:3Steps:3 Cumulative 36135 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Ash Lumber×165 [CRP:10]costing: 7095 Gil
- Ash Log×3 [BTN:10]
- Wind Shard×1
- Walnut Lumber×165 [CRP:25]costing: 36135 Gil
- Walnut Log×3 [BTN:25]
- Wind Shard×2
- Oak Lumber×165 [CRP:32]costing: 77550 Gil
- Oak Log×3 [BTN:35]
- Wind Shard×3
- Steel Nails×165 [BSM:27]costing: 0 Gil
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×1 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×2
- Fire Shard×3
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Horn Glue×75 [ALC:30]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 120780 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Elm Lumber×165 [CRP:16]costing: 12870 Gil
- Elm Log×3 [BTN:15]
- Wind Shard×1
- Yew Lumber×165 [CRP:21]costing: 17820 Gil
- Yew Log×3 [BTN:20]
- Wind Shard×2
- Cobalt Nails×75 [BSM:44]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Fire Shard×5
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Joint Plate×165 [ARM:44]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Ice Shard×5
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Horn Glue×75 [ALC:30]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:2Steps:2 Cumulative 30690 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Walnut Lumber×75 [CRP:25]costing: 16425 Gil
- Walnut Log×3 [BTN:25]
- Wind Shard×2
- Cobalt Nails×165 [BSM:44]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Fire Shard×5
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Joint Plate×165 [ARM:44]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Ice Shard×5
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cut Stone×165 [GLD:30]costing: 0 Gil
- Granite×3 [MIN:35]
- Wind Shard×3
- Linen Canvas×75 [WVR:36]costing: 0 Gil
- Linen Yarn×2 [WVR:32]
- Flax×2 [BTN:35]
- Lightning Shard×2
- Cotton Yarn×1 [WVR:12]
- Cotton Boll×2 [BTN:15]
- Lightning Shard×1
- Beeswax×1 [ALC:10]
- Beehive Chip×3 [BTN:5]
- Water Shard×1
- Lightning Shard×4
- Linen Yarn×2 [WVR:32]
- Clear Glass Lens×45 [ALC:28]costing: 2385 Gil
- Silex×1 [MIN:30]
- Natron×1 [ALC:25]
- Effervescent Water×1 [MIN:25]
- Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
- Water Shard×2
- Water Shard×3
Steps:3Steps:3 Cumulative 18810 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Dark Chestnut Lumber×6 [CRP:54]costing: 15552 Gil
- Dark Chestnut Log×5 [BTN:51]
- Wind Crystal×4
- Mythrite Ingot×6 [BSM:52]costing: 15912 Gil
- Mythrite Ore×4 [MIN:51]
- Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
- Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
- Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
- Fire Crystal×3
- Fire Crystal×3
- Steel Hinge×18 [ARM:26]costing: 0 Gil
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×1 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×2
- Ice Shard×2
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Cut Stone×21 [GLD:30]costing: 0 Gil
- Granite×3 [MIN:35]
- Wind Shard×3
- Clear Glass Lens×21 [ALC:28]costing: 1113 Gil
- Silex×1 [MIN:30]
- Natron×1 [ALC:25]
- Effervescent Water×1 [MIN:25]
- Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
- Water Shard×2
- Water Shard×3
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 32577 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Dark Chestnut Lumber×12 [CRP:54]costing: 31104 Gil
- Dark Chestnut Log×5 [BTN:51]
- Wind Crystal×4
- Steel Hinge×18 [ARM:26]costing: 0 Gil
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×1 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×2
- Ice Shard×2
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Linen Canvas×18 [WVR:36]costing: 0 Gil
- Linen Yarn×2 [WVR:32]
- Flax×2 [BTN:35]
- Lightning Shard×2
- Cotton Yarn×1 [WVR:12]
- Cotton Boll×2 [BTN:15]
- Lightning Shard×1
- Beeswax×1 [ALC:10]
- Beehive Chip×3 [BTN:5]
- Water Shard×1
- Lightning Shard×4
- Linen Yarn×2 [WVR:32]
- Clear Glass Lens×18 [ALC:28]costing: 954 Gil
- Silex×1 [MIN:30]
- Natron×1 [ALC:25]
- Effervescent Water×1 [MIN:25]
- Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
- Water Shard×2
- Water Shard×3
- Humus×18 [BTN:15]costing: 0 Gil
- Island Seedling×18 [BTN:20]costing: 0 Gil
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 32058 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Mythrite Ingot×21 [BSM:52]costing: 55692 Gil
- Mythrite Ore×4 [MIN:51]
- Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
- Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
- Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
- Fire Crystal×3
- Fire Crystal×3
- Cobalt Ingot×45 [BSM:42]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Rose Gold Ingot×9 [GLD:50★2]costing: 0 Gil
- Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
- Gold Ore×3 [MIN:50]
- Copper Ore×1 [MIN:5]
- Wind Crystal×3
- Peacock Ore×9
- Wind Cluster×1
- Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
- Cut Stone×75 [GLD:30]costing: 0 Gil
- Granite×3 [MIN:35]
- Wind Shard×3
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 55692 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Cedar Lumber×18 [CRP:51]costing: 44064 Gil
- Cedar Log×5 [BTN:50]
- Wind Crystal×3
- Titanium Nugget×18 [BSM:54]costing: 48456 Gil
- Titanium Ore×5 [MIN:55]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Grenade Ash×1 [MIN:40]
- Fire Crystal×4
- Jadeite×18 [GLD:40]costing: 0 Gil
- Jade×1 [MIN:40]
- Wind Shard×5
- Rose Gold Ingot×12 [GLD:50★2]costing: 0 Gil
- Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
- Gold Ore×3 [MIN:50]
- Copper Ore×1 [MIN:5]
- Wind Crystal×3
- Peacock Ore×9
- Wind Cluster×1
- Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 92520 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Titanium Nugget×18 [BSM:54]costing: 48456 Gil
- Titanium Ore×5 [MIN:55]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Grenade Ash×1 [MIN:40]
- Fire Crystal×4
- Mythrite Ingot×12 [BSM:52]costing: 31824 Gil
- Mythrite Ore×4 [MIN:51]
- Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
- Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
- Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
- Fire Crystal×3
- Fire Crystal×3
- Dhalmel Leather×12 [LTW:54]costing: 40824 Gil
- Dhalmel Hide×3
- Dark Chestnut Log×1 [BTN:51]
- Earth Crystal×4
- Ramie Cloth×12 [WVR:54]costing: 43416 Gil
- Ramie Thread×2 [WVR:54]
- Stalk of Ramie×3 [BTN:51]
- Flax×2 [BTN:35]
- Lightning Crystal×2
- Linen Yarn×1 [WVR:32]
- Flax×2 [BTN:35]
- Lightning Shard×2
- Lightning Crystal×2
- Ramie Thread×2 [WVR:54]
- Clear Glass Lens×21 [ALC:28]costing: 1113 Gil
- Silex×1 [MIN:30]
- Natron×1 [ALC:25]
- Effervescent Water×1 [MIN:25]
- Rock Salt×1 [MIN:15]
- Water Shard×2
- Water Shard×3
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 165633 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
- Dark Chestnut Lumber×9 [CRP:54]costing: 23328 Gil
- Dark Chestnut Log×5 [BTN:51]
- Wind Crystal×4
- Cobalt Rivets×18 [BSM:43]costing: 0 Gil
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Cobalt Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×5
- Fire Shard×5
- Cobalt Ingot×1 [BSM:42]
- Mythrite Ingot×9 [BSM:52]costing: 23868 Gil
- Mythrite Ore×4 [MIN:51]
- Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
- Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
- Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
- Fire Crystal×3
- Fire Crystal×3
- Mortar×24 [ALC:20]costing: 0 Gil
- Limestone×2 [MIN:20]
- Fine Sand×1 [MIN:15]
- Distilled Water×1 [ALC:1]
- Muddy Water×1 [MIN:5]
- Water Shard×1
- Water Shard×1
Steps:1Steps:1 Cumulative 47196 Gil
Large Outfitter's Walls×1
Large Outfitter's Walls of cumulative
Item Name | Amount | Total | Single | Info | Category | |
Cut Stone | × 426 | Costing 166,140 Gil | Costing 166,140 Gil | 30 | Stone | |
Walnut Lumber | × 405 | Costing 159,165 Gil | Costing 159,165 Gil | 25 | Lumber | |
Iron Nails | × 330 | Costing 32,340 Gil | Costing 32,340 Gil | 16 | Metal | |
Steel Nails | × 330 | Costing 122,760 Gil | Costing 122,760 Gil | 27 | Metal | |
Cobalt Joint Plate | × 330 | Costing 660,000 Gil | Costing 660,000 Gil | 44 | Metal | |
Elm Lumber | × 330 | Costing 33,000 Gil | Costing 33,000 Gil | 16 | Lumber | |
Yew Lumber | × 330 | Costing 35,640 Gil | Costing 35,640 Gil | 21 | Lumber | |
Cobalt Nails | × 240 | Costing 229,200 Gil | Costing 229,200 Gil | 44 | Metal | |
Rosewood Log | × 195 | Costing 6,435 Gil | Costing 6,435 Gil | 50 | Lumber | |
Mortar | × 189 | Costing 113,022 Gil | Costing 113,022 Gil | 20 | Reagent | |
Clinker Bricks | × 165 | Costing 148,500 Gil | Costing 148,500 Gil | 39 | Stone | |
Mudstone | × 165 | Costing 5,115 Gil | Costing 5,115 Gil | 20 | Stone | |
Marble | × 165 | Costing 33,000 Gil | Costing 33,000 Gil | 45 | Stone | |
Spruce Log | × 165 | Costing 62,700 Gil | Costing 62,700 Gil | 50 | Lumber | |
Granite | × 165 | Costing 13,200 Gil | Costing 13,200 Gil | 35 | Stone | |
Felt Lining | × 165 | Costing 660,000 Gil | Costing 660,000 Gil | 42 | Cloth | |
Oak Lumber | × 165 | Costing 165 Gil | Costing 165 Gil | 32 | Lumber | |
Firebricks | × 165 | Costing 19,305 Gil | Costing 19,305 Gil | 18 | Stone | |
Ash Lumber | × 165 | Costing 7,095 Gil | Costing 7,095 Gil | 10 | Lumber | |
Horn Glue | × 150 | Costing 180,600 Gil | Costing 180,600 Gil | 30 | Reagent | |
Clear Glass Lens | × 105 | Costing 5,565 Gil | Costing 5,565 Gil | 28 | Reagent | |
Linen Canvas | × 93 | Costing 56,544 Gil | Costing 56,544 Gil | 36 | Cloth | |
Varnish | × 75 | Costing 127,500 Gil | Costing 127,500 Gil | 41 | Reagent | |
Mythrite Ingot | × 48 | Costing 109,632 Gil | Costing 109,632 Gil | 52 | Metal | |
Cobalt Ingot | × 45 | Costing 22,500 Gil | Costing 22,500 Gil | 42 | Metal | |
Titanium Nugget | × 36 | Costing 18,000 Gil | Costing 18,000 Gil | 54 | Metal | |
Steel Hinge | × 36 | Costing 12,888 Gil | Costing 12,888 Gil | 26 | Metal | |
Dark Chestnut Lumber | × 27 | Costing 37,800 Gil | Costing 37,800 Gil | 54 | Lumber | |
Rose Gold Ingot | × 21 | Costing 10,500 Gil | Costing 10,500 Gil | 50★2 | Metal | |
Jadeite | × 18 | Costing 4,608 Gil | Costing 4,608 Gil | 40 | Stone | |
Humus | × 18 | Costing 5,400 Gil | Costing 5,400 Gil | 15 | Reagent | |
Island Seedling | × 18 | Costing 7,200 Gil | Costing 7,200 Gil | 20 | Reagent | |
Cobalt Rivets | × 18 | Costing 11,214 Gil | Costing 11,214 Gil | 43 | Metal | |
Cedar Lumber | × 18 | Costing 18,000 Gil | Costing 18,000 Gil | 51 | Lumber | |
Dhalmel Leather | × 12 | Costing 20,880 Gil | Costing 20,880 Gil | 54 | Leather | |
Ramie Cloth | × 12 | Costing 48,000 Gil | Costing 48,000 Gil | 54 | Cloth |