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Dried Well
Dried Well
Outdoor Furnishing 5498#

Have you dreamed of owning your very own well, but are plagued by one or more of the following psychological ailments: acrophobia, claustrophobia, aquaphobia, bathophobia, or cleithrophobia? Well fear no longer. This quality stone well, manufactured in Eorzea with 100% Eorzean materials, requires no hole to be dug, no ground to be sanctified, and no chain letters to be passed along to your dearest enemies. Desynthesizable: Yes Carpenter
Desynthesizable:35.00 [CRP]
Oak Lumber×2 [CRP:32]
Oak Log×6 [BTN:35]
Wind Shard×6
Granite×3 [MIN:35]
Growth Formula Gamma×2 [ALC:30]
Blue Landtrap Leaf×2
Quicksilver×2 [ALC:1]
Cinnabar×4 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×2
Rock Salt×2 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×6
Iron Ingot×2 [BSM:16]
Iron Ore×6 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×2
Straw×3 [BTN:15]
Wind Shard×4
Ice Shard×3

Production information
Difficulty:123 / Quality:555 / Durability:80
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