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Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation
Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation
Miscellany 17340#

A cylindrical wheel crafted from metal and aspected crystal which, when placed on a stand and spun repeatedly, accumulates an aetherial charge. When fully primed, the wheel can be used to initiate the company action Brave New World (increased attributes for all Disciple of War or Magic members under level 25). Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:70.00 [ALC]
Unaspected Crystal×1 [MIN:50]
Silver Ingot×1 [GLD:23]
Silver Ore×3 [MIN:25]
Wind Shard×2
Enchanted Gold Ink×1 [ALC:50★1]
Gold Sand×3 [MIN:50]
Spoken Blood×1
Water Crystal×3
Water Cluster×1
Lightning Cluster×1

Production information
Difficulty:125 / Quality:2500 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe