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Stuffed Takitaro
Stuffed Takitaro
Wall-mounted 10237#

No more half-hearted tales about the one that got away. This legend of this rare, elusive fish will live on in style above your mantle or in your den. Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:70.00 [ALC]
Treated Spruce Lumber×1 [CRP:50★2]
Spruce Lumber×2 [CRP:50★1]
Spruce Log×6 [BTN:50]
Wind Crystal×6
Hardened Sap×9
Wind Cluster×1
Black Alumen×2 [MIN:40]
Darksteel Rivets×2 [BSM:50★1]
Darksteel Nugget×2 [BSM:50★1]
Darksteel Ore×6 [MIN:50]
Fire Crystal×6
Fire Crystal×6
Black Pearl×2 [GLD:45]
Water Cluster×1
Lightning Cluster×1

Production information
Difficulty:250 / Quality:1250 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe