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Cast-iron Cookpot Cast-iron Cookpot patch2.4 Outdoor Furnishing 25077# lodestone
A blackened pot perfect for hanging over a cookfire. Desynthesizable: Yes Armorer
Desynthesizable:30.00 [ARM]
- Steel Plate×2 [ARM:27]
- Steel Ingot×4 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×4 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×8 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×8
- Ice Shard×6
- Steel Ingot×4 [BSM:26]
- Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:26]
- Bomb Ash×1 [MIN:30]
- Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
- Fire Shard×2
- Ash Lumber×5 [CRP:10]
- Ash Log×15 [BTN:10]
- Wind Shard×5
- Ice Shard×3
- Earth Shard×3
Production information
Difficulty:102 / Quality:425 / Durability:70
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