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Embrace of the Vortex
Embrace of the Vortex
1105 16343#
Magic Damage 64(71)Auto-attack 39.2(43.86)Delay 2.8
VIT +29 MND +31 Spell Speed +35 PIE +24
VIT +32 MND +34 Spell Speed +39 PIE +27
Desynthesizable:90.00 [ALC] / Materia slot2

Demimateria of the Vortex×3
Battlecraft Demimateria III×10
Vortex Feather×1
Terminus Putty×10 [ALC:50★3]
Enchanted Gold Ink×1 [ALC:50★1]
Gold Sand×3 [MIN:50]
Spoken Blood×1
Water Crystal×3
Wind Crystal×12

Production information
Difficulty:420 / Quality:2750 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe