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Glade Hedgewall
Glade Hedgewall
Fence 3083#
A living fence designed exclusively for use with glade estates. Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:55.00 [ALC]
Shroud Seedling×15 [BTN:20]
Rosewood Lumber×30 [CRP:45]
Rosewood Log×90 [BTN:50]
Wind Shard×180
Growth Formula Delta×15 [ALC:50★1]
Trillium Bulb×15 [BTN:50]
Quicksilver×15 [ALC:1]
Cinnabar×30 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×15
Rock Salt×15 [MIN:15]
Water Crystal×45
Water Shard×28
Lightning Shard×24

Production information
Difficulty:210 / Quality:1100 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe

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