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Sylphic Flower Vase
Sylphic Flower Vase
Tabletop 4669#
A quaint vase inspired by sylphic colors and curves, holding an arrangement of flowers native to the Black Shroud. Desynthesizable: Yes Alchemist
Desynthesizable:43.00 [ALC]
Growth Formula Gamma×2 [ALC:30]
Blue Landtrap Leaf×2
Quicksilver×2 [ALC:1]
Cinnabar×4 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×2
Rock Salt×2 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×6
Shroud Seedling×3 [BTN:20]
Electrum Ingot×3 [GLD:42]
Electrum Ore×12 [MIN:45]
Wind Shard×15
Mahogany Lumber×1 [CRP:39]
Mahogany Log×3 [BTN:40]
Wind Shard×5
Sylphic Silk×1
Water Shard×5
Lightning Shard×5

Production information
Difficulty:155 / Quality:790 / Durability:80
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