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Hempen Breeches of Crafting
Hempen Breeches of Crafting
Legs 12181#

Defense 6(8)Magic Defense 13(16)
Control +7
Control +8
Desynthesizable:3.00 [WVR]
Undyed Hempen Cloth×2 [WVR:2]
Hempen Yarn×4 [WVR:1]
Moko Grass×4 [BTN:15]
Lightning Shard×2
Lightning Shard×2
Hempen Yarn×1 [WVR:1]
Moko Grass×2 [BTN:15]
Lightning Shard×1
Leather×1 [LTW:1]
Lightning Shard×1
Wind Shard×1

Production information
Difficulty:20 / Quality:120 / Durability:60
The same level of recipe