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Rarefied Archaeoskin Grimoire
Rarefied Archaeoskin Grimoire
Miscellany 15349#

"The more exotic the beast, the more likely someone has tanned its hide to make a spellbook. This one is archaeoskin, doubly bound with hippogryph leather."※For collectable submissions only. |
Enchanted Mythrite Ink×1 [ALC:51]
Mythrite Sand×4 [MIN:51]
Deepeye Tears×2
Water Crystal×3
Archaeornis Leather×2 [LTW:51]
Archaeornis Skin×6
Coerthan Tea Leaves×2 [BTN:50]
Earth Crystal×6
Electrum Ingot×1 [GLD:42]
Electrum Ore×4 [MIN:45]
Wind Shard×5
Water Crystal×2
Lightning Crystal×1

Production information
Difficulty:180 / Quality:2000 / Durability:80