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Mug of Cocoa
Mug of Cocoa
Tabletop 7502#
A mug brimming with deliciously sweet, velvety hot cocoa.※Cannot be retrieved once used. ※Can be used up to 10 times. Meal benefits when used: Determination Bonus: +4% (Max 10) VIT Bonus: +5% (Max 12) Gear Durability Bonus: +3 EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) |
Coffee Beans×2 [BTN:80]
Palm Sugar×1 [CUL:82]
Palm Syrup×6 [BTN:85]
Fire Crystal×8
Yak T'el Spring Water×2 [MIN:96]
Cinnamon×1 [BTN:5]
Fire Crystal×8
Water Crystal×8

Production information
Difficulty:5400 / Quality:10200 / Durability:80
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