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Camping Tent
Camping Tent
Outdoor Furnishing 22388#

Camp out under the stars in the privacy of your own backyard. | Desynthesizable: 560.00 (Weaver) |
Desynthesizable:560.00 [WVR]
Weatherproof Cloth×1
Almasty Serge×6 [WVR:82]
Almasty Fur×24
Lightning Crystal×48
Snow Linen×5 [WVR:84]
Snow Flax×25 [BTN:85]
Lightning Crystal×40
High Durium Ingot×5 [BSM:82]
High Durium Ore×25 [MIN:85]
Silver Ore×5 [MIN:25]
Fire Crystal×40
Lightning Crystal×32
Wind Crystal×32

Production information
Difficulty:3500 / Quality:7200 / Durability:80