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Wooden Bin Wooden Bin patch6.0 Tabletop 18745# lodestone
A container assembled from materials not much greater in quality than the waste that fills it.Desynthesizable: 540.00 (Carpenter)
Desynthesizable:540.00 [CRP]
- Ironwood Lumber×4 [CRP:86]
- Ironwood Log×20 [BTN:90]
- Wind Crystal×32
- White Oak Lumber×4 [CRP:71]
- White Oak Log×16 [BTN:75]
- Wind Crystal×24
- Straw×4 [BTN:15]
- Scattered Documents×1
- Wind Crystal×8
- Ice Crystal×8
Production information
Difficulty:3100 / Quality:6800 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe
Ironwood Lumber
Ironwood Spear
Ironwood Longbow
Ironwood Staff
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