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Rarefied Chondrite Alembic Rarefied Chondrite Alembic patch6.0 Miscellany 22464# lodestone
Guaranteed to help one produce the most efficacious elixirs and the most potent potables.※For collectable submissions only.
- Chondrite Ingot×2 [BSM:88]
- Chondrite×10 [MIN:90]
- Dimythrite Ore×2 [MIN:80]
- Fire Crystal×16
- Star Quartz×1 [GLD:88]
- Raw Star Quartz×3 [MIN:90]
- Annite Whetstone×1 [GLD:86]
- Annite×4
- Wind Crystal×8
- Wind Crystal×8
- Ophiotauros Leather×1 [LTW:88]
- Ophiotauros Hide×4
- Eblan Alumen×1 [MIN:85]
- Earth Crystal×8
- Ice Crystal×8
- Earth Crystal×8
Production information
Difficulty:3500 / Quality:7200 / Durability:80
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