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Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet
Rarefied Snow Linen Doublet
Miscellany 25847#

Though dubbed the "doublet," this garment performs not only two functions, but several: it offers warmth, creates a striking silhouette, supports the wearer's hose, and so forth.※For collectable submissions only.
Snow Linen×2 [WVR:84]
Snow Flax×10 [BTN:85]
Lightning Crystal×16
Phrygian Ingot×1 [GLD:84]
Phrygian Ore×5 [MIN:85]
Zinc Ore×1 [MIN:10]
Wind Crystal×8
Almasty Serge×1 [WVR:82]
Lightning Crystal×8
Wind Crystal×7

Production information
Difficulty:3000 / Quality:6700 / Durability:80