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Rarefied Kumbhiraskin Shoes
Rarefied Kumbhiraskin Shoes
Miscellany 25919#

A durable pair of white footwear. Though slightly hidden behind the laces, the bright-red tongue adds some visual contrast.※For collectable submissions only.
Kumbhira Leather×2 [LTW:86]
Kumbhira Skin×8
Eblan Alumen×2 [MIN:85]
Earth Crystal×16
Ironwood Lumber×1 [CRP:86]
Ironwood Log×5 [BTN:90]
Wind Crystal×8
Saiga Leather×1 [LTW:84]
Saiga Hide×4
Eblan Alumen×1 [MIN:85]
Earth Crystal×8
Earth Crystal×8
Wind Crystal×8

Production information
Difficulty:3200 / Quality:6900 / Durability:80