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Saigaskin Halfgloves of Gathering
Saigaskin Halfgloves of Gathering
Hands 20241#

Defense 177(197)Magic Defense 355(394)
VIT +41 Gathering +338 GP +6
VIT +46 Gathering +383 GP +7

Desynthesizable:520.00 [LTW] / Materia slot2

Saiga Leather×2 [LTW:84]
Saiga Hide×8
Eblan Alumen×2 [MIN:85]
Earth Crystal×16
Snow Linen×1 [WVR:84]
Snow Flax×5 [BTN:85]
Lightning Crystal×8
Luncheon Toad Leather×1 [LTW:82]
Luncheon Toad Skin×4
Yellow Alumen×1 [MIN:70]
Earth Crystal×8
Earth Crystal×8
Wind Crystal×7

Production information
Difficulty:3000 / Quality:6700 / Durability:80