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Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin
Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin
Body 12991#

Defense 307(341)Magic Defense 537(597)
VIT +178 MND +191 Critical Hit Rate +129 PIE +184
VIT +198 MND +212 Critical Hit Rate +143 PIE +204

Desynthesizable:539.00 [WVR] / Materia slot2

Scarlet Moko Cloth×2 [WVR:86]
Scarlet Moko Grass×10 [BTN:90]
Lightning Crystal×16
Blue Zircon×1 [GLD:86]
Raw Blue Zircon×3
Annite Whetstone×1 [GLD:86]
Wind Crystal×8
Wind Crystal×8
Snow Linen×1 [WVR:84]
Snow Flax×5 [BTN:85]
Lightning Crystal×8
Saiga Leather×1 [LTW:84]
Saiga Hide×4
Eblan Alumen×1 [MIN:85]
Earth Crystal×8
Grade 5 Mind Alkahest×2 [ALC:83]
Underground Spring Water×2 [MIN:80]
Lunatender Blossom×1
Tiger Lily×2 [BTN:80]
Water Crystal×8
Lightning Crystal×8
Wind Crystal×8

Production information
Difficulty:3100 / Quality:6800 / Durability:80