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Materiel Table
Outdoor Furnishing 13588#

An outdoor furnishing including an assortment of arms and armor. Ideal for those situations where one finds oneself uttering, "Choose your weapon," to an unruly house guest. | Desynthesizable: 430.00 (Blacksmith) |
Desynthesizable:430.00 [BSM]
Dwarven Mythril Ingot×7 [BSM:78]
Dimythrite Ore×28 [MIN:80]
Mythrite Ore×7 [MIN:51]
Fire Crystal×49
Lignum Vitae Lumber×3 [CRP:78]
Lignum Vitae Log×12 [BTN:80]
Wind Crystal×21
Titanbronze Ingot×3 [BSM:76]
Titancopper Ore×12 [MIN:80]
Titanium Ore×3 [MIN:55]
Fire Crystal×21
Manasilver Nugget×3 [GLD:74]
Manasilver Sand×12 [MIN:75]
Silver Ore×3 [MIN:25]
Wind Crystal×21
Fire Crystal×28
Earth Crystal×28

Production information
Difficulty:1780 / Quality:2300 / Durability:80