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Cloud Acorn Chandelier
Cloud Acorn Chandelier
Ceiling Light 3188#

"Quaint" does not begin to describe this chandelier made with cloud acorns still hanging on the branch. | Desynthesizable: 430.00 (Alchemist) |
Desynthesizable:430.00 [ALC]
Cloud Acorn×6
Crystal Glass×4 [ALC:50★2]
Silex×12 [MIN:30]
Natron×4 [ALC:25]
Effervescent Water×4 [MIN:25]
Rock Salt×4 [MIN:15]
Water Shard×8
Water Crystal×20
Starch Glue×3 [ALC:75]
Water Crystal×7
Lightning Crystal×7

Production information
Difficulty:1780 / Quality:2300 / Durability:80