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Rarefied Book of Aurum Regis
Rarefied Book of Aurum Regis
Miscellany 20126#

There are "noble" metals, and then there's aurum regis. Some collectors need to be the king.※For collectable submissions only. |
Enchanted Aurum Regis Ink×1 [ALC:58]
Aurum Regis Sand×4 [MIN:56]
Dragon Blood×2
Abalathian Spring Water×1 [MIN:56]
Water Crystal×5
Aurum Regis Nugget×2 [GLD:58]
Aurum Regis Sand×10 [MIN:56]
Gold Ore×2 [MIN:50]
Wind Crystal×10
Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
Hardsilver Ore×4 [MIN:56]
Hardsilver Nugget×1 [GLD:54]
Hardsilver Sand×5 [MIN:56]
Silver Ore×1 [MIN:25]
Wind Crystal×4
Wind Crystal×5
Water Crystal×6
Lightning Crystal×5

Production information
Difficulty:580 / Quality:2700 / Durability:70