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Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic
Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic
Miscellany 19482#

"Is that a wand holder in the back? How convenient!"※For collectable submissions only. |
Ovim Wool×2 [WVR:76]
Ovim Wool Yarn×6 [WVR:76]
Ovim Fleece×8
Refined Natron×2 [ALC:76]
Extra Effervescent Water×2 [MIN:80]
Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal×2 [MIN:70]
Water Crystal×14
Lightning Crystal×6
Lightning Crystal×8
Zonure Leather×1 [LTW:76]
Zonure Skin×4
Yellow Alumen×1 [MIN:70]
Earth Crystal×7
Hardsilver Nugget×1 [GLD:54]
Hardsilver Sand×5 [MIN:56]
Silver Ore×1 [MIN:25]
Wind Crystal×4
Lightning Crystal×7
Wind Crystal×7

Production information
Difficulty:1640 / Quality:4400 / Durability:80