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Rarefied Ruby Cotton Gilet
Rarefied Ruby Cotton Gilet
Miscellany 21534#

Arterial spray is hardly noticeable on this gorgeous shade of red. Until it dries, of course.※For collectable submissions only. |
Ruby Cotton Cloth×2 [WVR:62]
Ruby Cotton Yarn×6 [WVR:62]
Ruby Cotton Boll×8 [BTN:65]
Lightning Crystal×2
Lightning Crystal×4
Gyuki Leather×1 [LTW:62]
Gyuki Hide×3
Gyr Abanian Alumen×1 [MIN:60]
Earth Crystal×3
High Steel Ingot×1 [BSM:62]
Koppranickel Ore×4 [MIN:65]
High Steel Nugget×1 [BSM:61]
Koppranickel Sand×4 [MIN:65]
Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Crystal×3
Fire Crystal×3
Lightning Crystal×4
Wind Crystal×3

Production information
Difficulty:780 / Quality:3060 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe