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Broad Bean Soup
Broad Bean Soup
Meal 3232#
Tenacity +8% (Max 98) Vitality +8% (Max 125) Tenacity +10% (Max 122) Vitality +10% (Max 156) Parry +8% (上限40 VIT +8% (上限44 Parry +10% (上限50
VIT +10% (上限55)
Rail Tenderloin×1
Broad Beans×4 [BTN:80]
Buffalo Beans×2 [BTN:15]
Highland Spring Water×1 [MIN:75]
Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal×1 [MIN:70]
Fire Crystal×6
Water Crystal×6

Production information
Difficulty:1220 / Quality:3800 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe