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White Ash Fishing Rod
White Ash Fishing Rod
Fisher's Primary Tool 7590#

White Ash Fishing Rod
Category > Fisher's Primary Tool
Item level:370 / Equip Level:74 -
Sale price 656 Gil /
Sell price 42012 Gil
Physical Damage 52Auto-attack 55.46Delay 3.2
VIT +57 Gathering +473 30056 +270
VIT +64 Gathering +536 30056 +306

Desynthesizable:403.00 [CRP] / Materia slot1

White Ash Lumber×2 [CRP:74]
White Ash Log×8 [BTN:75]
Wind Crystal×14
Bluespirit Tile×1 [BSM:74]
Bluespirit Ore×4 [MIN:75]
Stiperstone×1 [MIN:65]
Fire Crystal×7
Atrociraptor Leather×1 [LTW:74]
Atrociraptor Skin×4
Yellow Alumen×1 [MIN:70]
Earth Crystal×7
Wind Crystal×7
Ice Crystal×6

Production information
Difficulty:1360 / Quality:4000 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe