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Deepgold Knuckles
Deepgold Knuckles
Pugilist's Arm 5468#

Deepgold Knuckles
Item level:395 / Equip Level:72 -
Sale price 638 Gil /
Sell price 40878 Gil
Physical Damage 96(107)Auto-attack 81.92(91.3)Delay 2.56
STR +131 VIT +141 Critical Hit Rate +129 Skill Speed +90
STR +146 VIT +157 Critical Hit Rate +143 Skill Speed +100

Desynthesizable:400.00 [BSM] / Materia slot2

Deepgold Ingot×3 [BSM:72]
Truegold Ore×12 [MIN:75]
Copper Ore×3 [MIN:5]
Fire Crystal×18
Stonegold Ingot×1 [GLD:72]
Truegold Ore×4 [MIN:75]
Gold Ore×1 [MIN:50]
Wind Crystal×6
Electrum Ingot×1 [GLD:42]
Electrum Ore×4 [MIN:45]
Wind Shard×5
Beetle Glue×1 [ALC:64]
Rhino Beetle Carapace×2
Pine Resin×1 [BTN:65]
Moth Scales×1
Water Crystal×4
Fire Crystal×6
Earth Crystal×6

Production information
Difficulty:1290 / Quality:3900 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe