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Fat Cat Bank Fat Cat Bank patch4.5 Tabletop 7718# lodestone
Presumably due to the resemblance in terms of rotundity, the fat cat has overtaken the pig as a popular motif for coin banks. Comes with a matching purse to better facilitate the spending of one's hard-earned savings. | Desynthesizable: 142.00 (Goldsmith) |
Desynthesizable:142.00 [GSM]
- Hardsilver Ingot×1 [GLD:56]
- Hardsilver Ore×4 [MIN:56]
- Hardsilver Nugget×1 [GLD:54]
- Hardsilver Sand×5 [MIN:56]
- Silver Ore×1 [MIN:25]
- Wind Crystal×4
- Wind Crystal×5
- Rose Gold Nugget×2 [GLD:50★1]
- Gold Ore×6 [MIN:50]
- Copper Ore×2 [MIN:5]
- Wind Crystal×6
- Dragon Leather×2 [LTW:56]
- Dragon Skin×6
- Dark Chestnut Log×2 [BTN:51]
- Earth Crystal×10
- Rainbow Cloth×1 [WVR:51]
- Rainbow Thread×2 [WVR:51]
- Rainbow Cotton Boll×3 [BTN:55]
- Cotton Boll×2 [BTN:15]
- Lightning Crystal×1
- Dew Thread×1 [WVR:23]
- Lightning Crystal×2
- Rainbow Thread×2 [WVR:51]
- Wind Crystal×5
- Fire Crystal×4
Production information
Difficulty:460 / Quality:1245 / Durability:70
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