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Chigusa Ingot
Chigusa Ingot
Metal 5509#
An ingot of tatara-smelted Doman steel. Crafting Material
Gyr Abanian Ore×4 [MIN:70]
Tatara Iron Sand×2
Tama-hagane Ingot×1 [BSM:66]
Doman Iron Sand×4 [MIN:70]
Oroshigane Ingot×1 [BSM:64]
Doman Iron Ore×4 [MIN:65]
Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Crystal×4
Fire Crystal×5
Fire Cluster×2
Earth Cluster×2

Gyr Abanian Ore×4 [MIN:70]
Tatara Iron Sand×2
Tama-hagane Ingot×1 [BSM:66]
Doman Iron Sand×4 [MIN:70]
Oroshigane Ingot×1 [BSM:64]
Doman Iron Ore×4 [MIN:65]
Iron Ore×1 [MIN:15]
Fire Crystal×4
Fire Crystal×5
Ice Cluster×2
Earth Cluster×2

Production information
Difficulty:1275 / Quality:4575 / Durability:35
Chigusa Ingot Other information about the Edit Comment
Chigusa IngotRecipes to use material Chigusa Ingotレシピ数:29

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