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Oriental Sushi Lunch
Oriental Sushi Lunch
Tabletop 4539#
An exotic Far Eastern dish of sweet, vinegared rice, raw fish, and marine flora prepared to stimulate not only the tongue, but the eyes.※Cannot be retrieved once placed.※Can be used up to 10 times. Meal benefits when used: Critical Hit Bonus: +4% (Max 44) VIT Bonus: +4% (Max 36) Gear Durability Bonus: +3 EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m (Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings) |
Koshu Sticky Rice×1
Rice Vinegar×1 [CUL:65]
Koshu Sticky Rice×2
Sticky Rice×2 [BTN:25]
Crescent Spring Water×1 [MIN:65]
Fire Shard×7
Yugr'am Salmon×1
Ash Tuna×1
Yanxian Tiger Prawn×1
Bianaq Bream×1
Fire Crystal×4
Water Crystal×4

Production information
Difficulty:830 / Quality:1575 / Durability:80