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Azurite Ring of Slaying
Azurite Ring of Slaying
Ring 20155#

Defense 0(1)Magic Defense 0(1)
STR +44 VIT +45 Critical Hit Rate +44 Skill Speed +31
STR +49 VIT +50 Critical Hit Rate +49 Skill Speed +34

Desynthesizable:279.00 [GSM] / Materia slot1

Durium Ingot×1 [GLD:66]
Durium Ore×4 [MIN:70]
Durium Nugget×1 [GLD:64]
Durium Sand×4 [MIN:70]
Silver Ore×1 [MIN:25]
Wind Crystal×4
Wind Crystal×5
Azurite×1 [GLD:66]
Raw Azurite×3 [MIN:70]
Stiperstone×1 [MIN:65]
Wind Crystal×5
Grade 1 Reisui of Strength×1 [ALC:63]
Gyr Abanian Mineral Water×1 [MIN:65]
Holy Basil×2 [BTN:65]
Rue×2 [BTN:56]
Diatomite×1 [MIN:65]
Water Crystal×4
Wind Crystal×5
Fire Crystal×4

Production information
Difficulty:880 / Quality:3240 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe