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Triphane Bracelet of Slaying
Triphane Bracelet of Slaying
Bracelets 14004#

Defense 0(1)Magic Defense 0(1)
STR +40 VIT +41 Critical Hit Rate +28 Determination +40
STR +44 VIT +46 Critical Hit Rate +31 Determination +44

Desynthesizable:255.00 [GSM] / Materia slot1

Koppranickel Nugget×1 [GLD:61]
Koppranickel Sand×4 [MIN:65]
Copper Ore×1 [MIN:5]
Wind Crystal×3
Triphane×2 [GLD:61]
Raw Triphane×6 [MIN:60]
Stiperstone×2 [MIN:65]
Wind Crystal×6
Wind Crystal×3
Fire Crystal×2

Production information
Difficulty:630 / Quality:2790 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe