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Tigerskin Coat of Maiming
Tigerskin Coat of Maiming
Body 5419#

Defense 343(382)Magic Defense 270(300)
STR +86 VIT +90 Skill Speed +60 Accuracy +85
STR +96 VIT +100 Skill Speed +67 Accuracy +95

Desynthesizable:276.00 [ARM] / Materia slot2

Oroshigane Ingot×2 [BSM:64]
Doman Iron Ore×8 [MIN:65]
Iron Ore×2 [MIN:15]
Fire Crystal×8
Tiger Leather×1 [LTW:64]
Tiger Skin×3
Gyr Abanian Alumen×1 [MIN:60]
Earth Crystal×4
Kudzu Cloth×1 [WVR:64]
Kudzu Thread×2 [WVR:64]
Kudzu Vine×4 [BTN:65]
Lightning Crystal×2
Ruby Cotton Yarn×1 [WVR:62]
Ruby Cotton Boll×4 [BTN:65]
Lightning Crystal×1
Lightning Crystal×2
Ruby Cotton Yarn×1 [WVR:62]
Ruby Cotton Boll×4 [BTN:65]
Lightning Crystal×1
Grade 1 Reisui of Strength×2 [ALC:63]
Gyr Abanian Mineral Water×1 [MIN:65]
Holy Basil×2 [BTN:65]
Rue×2 [BTN:56]
Diatomite×1 [MIN:65]
Water Crystal×4
Ice Crystal×4
Earth Crystal×4

Production information
Difficulty:830 / Quality:3150 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe