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Adamantite Spear
Adamantite Spear
Lancer's Arm 3015#

Adamantite Spear
Item level:145 / Equip Level:58 -
Sale price 497 Gil /
Sell price 33073 Gil
Average 6,238 Gil
Physical Damage 53(59)Auto-attack 49.46(55.06)Delay 2.8
STR +52 VIT +54 Determination +60 Skill Speed +42
STR +58 VIT +60 Determination +67 Skill Speed +47
Desynthesizable:145.00 [CRP] / Materia slot2

Birch Lumber×1 [CRP:58]
Birch Log×5 [BTN:56]
Wind Crystal×5
Adamantite Nugget×1 [BSM:58]
Adamantite Ore×5 [MIN:60]
Darksteel Ore×1 [MIN:50]
Fire Crystal×5
Aurum Regis Nugget×2 [GLD:58]
Aurum Regis Sand×10 [MIN:56]
Gold Ore×2 [MIN:50]
Wind Crystal×10
Amphiptere Leather×1 [LTW:58]
Amphiptere Skin×3
Dark Chestnut Log×1 [BTN:51]
Earth Crystal×5
Wing Glue×1 [ALC:55]
Wind Crystal×5
Ice Crystal×5

Production information
Difficulty:500 / Quality:2560 / Durability:70
The same level of recipe