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Mythrite Earblades of Aiming
Mythrite Earblades of Aiming
Earrings 15827#

Defense 0(1)Magic Defense 0(1)
DEX +22 VIT +23 Determination +22 Skill Speed +15
DEX +24 VIT +26 Determination +24 Skill Speed +17
Desynthesizable:125.00 [GSM] / Materia slot1

Mythrite Ingot×1 [BSM:52]
Mythrite Ore×4 [MIN:51]
Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
Fire Crystal×3
Fire Crystal×3
Silver Ingot×1 [GLD:23]
Silver Ore×3 [MIN:25]
Wind Shard×2
Cloud Coral×2
Wind Crystal×3
Fire Crystal×3

Production information
Difficulty:260 / Quality:2140 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe