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Frypan Caliente
Frypan Caliente
Culinarian's Primary Tool 1956#

Frypan Caliente
Category > Culinarian's Primary Tool
Item level:85 / Equip Level:52 -
Sale price 178 Gil /
Sell price 11848 Gil
Physical Damage 23Auto-attack 21.46Delay 2.8
Craftsmanship +150 Control +81
Craftsmanship +170 Control +92
Desynthesizable:125.00 [ARM] / Materia slot1

Mythrite Nugget×3 [BSM:51]
Mythrite Sand×15 [MIN:51]
Mythril Ore×3 [MIN:35]
Fire Crystal×9
Cedar Lumber×1 [CRP:51]
Cedar Log×5 [BTN:50]
Wind Crystal×3
Mythrite Rivets×1 [BSM:51]
Mythrite Nugget×1 [BSM:51]
Mythrite Sand×5 [MIN:51]
Mythril Ore×1 [MIN:35]
Fire Crystal×3
Fire Crystal×3
Ice Crystal×3
Earth Crystal×3

Production information
Difficulty:260 / Quality:2140 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe