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Adamantite Alembic Adamantite Alembic patch3.0 Alchemist's Primary Tool 10738# lodestone
Adamantite Alembic
Category > Alchemist's Primary Tool
Item level:150 / Equip Level:60 -
Sale price 307 Gil / Sell price 20433 Gil
Physical Damage 30Auto-attack 28Delay 2.8
Craftsmanship +204 Control +110
Craftsmanship +232 Control +124
Desynthesizable:150.00 [ARM] / Materia slot1
- Adamantite Nugget×3 [BSM:58]
- Adamantite Ore×15 [MIN:60]
- Darksteel Ore×3 [MIN:50]
- Fire Crystal×15
- Aurum Regis Nugget×1 [GLD:58]
- Aurum Regis Sand×5 [MIN:56]
- Gold Ore×1 [MIN:50]
- Wind Crystal×5
- Adamantite Rivets×2 [BSM:58]
- Adamantite Nugget×2 [BSM:58]
- Adamantite Ore×10 [MIN:60]
- Darksteel Ore×2 [MIN:50]
- Fire Crystal×10
- Fire Crystal×10
- Adamantite Nugget×2 [BSM:58]
- Ice Cluster×2
- Earth Cluster×1
Production information
Difficulty:580 / Quality:2700 / Durability:70
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