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Retainer Cartonnier
Retainer Cartonnier
Outdoor Furnishing 5084#

A wooden receptacle for use by retainers to store goods entrusted for sale while protecting them from the elements.※Can only be placed outdoors. Desynthesizable: Yes Carpenter
Desynthesizable:31.00 [CRP]
Walnut Lumber×3 [CRP:25]
Walnut Log×9 [BTN:25]
Wind Shard×6
Steel Ingot×3 [BSM:26]
Bomb Ash×3 [MIN:30]
Iron Ore×6 [MIN:15]
Fire Shard×6
Beeswax×2 [ALC:10]
Beehive Chip×6 [BTN:5]
Water Shard×2
Ink & Quill×1 [ALC:15]
Enchanted Iron Ink×3 [ALC:14]
Iron Sand×6 [MIN:15]
Viscous Secretions×3
Water Shard×3
Cock Feather×1 [BTN:10]
Water Shard×1
Lightning Shard×1
Wind Shard×3
Ice Shard×3

Production information
Difficulty:106 / Quality:450 / Durability:80
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