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Glacier Crystal Glacier Crystal patch2.5 Reagent 2469# lodestone
A crystal aspected to both ice and water. House chefs for wealthy and noble families will oft use these rare specimens to chill ales and white wines during the summer moons.
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Glacier Crystal get info
I.L | Item name | Token Info | Necessary items | Required number |
110 | Better Crowned Pie × 1 | アイテム取引/モードゥナ | Glacier Crystal | × 6 |
90 | Talan's Seal of Fishing Mastery × 1 | アイテム取引/モードゥナ | オオシャル貝[HQ] Glacier Crystal | × 10 × 15 |
110 | Better Crowned Pie × 1 | アイテム取引/モードゥナ | Glacier Crystal | × 6 |
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グランドカンパニー軍票 600枚/1個