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Starlight Cake
Starlight Cake
Tabletop 8153#
Conceived by Bismarck chefs with far too much time on their hands, the Starlight cake is composed of layer after layer after layer...after layer of sweet, decadent heaven.※Cannot be retrieved once placed.※Can be used up to 10 times. Meal benefits when used: VIT Bonus: +4% (Max 10) Gear Durability Bonus: +1 EXP Bonus: +3% Duration: 30m
Sweet Cream×1 [CUL:6]
Sunset Wheat Flour×1 [CUL:7]
Sunset Wheat×4 [BTN:15]
Fire Shard×1
Smooth Butter×1 [CUL:7]
Apkallu Egg×1
Rolanberry×1 [BTN:45]
Fire Shard×6
Water Shard×5

Production information
Difficulty:158 / Quality:850 / Durability:80
The same level of recipe